INCHARGE which stands for Inspiring Noble Change of Habits and Attitude to Realize Greatness and Excellence, is a group of Motivational Speakers, Trainers, Mentors, Counselors, Wellness and Mind Coaches that advocate and propel a positive change of habits and attitude among individuals and or groups for aim of realizing spectacular results. We are a success guide and our drive is to respond to growth and performance needs and devotedly help and promote sustainable outperformance and prosperity of various business and social enterprises.

INCHARGE aspires to uplift individual employees to realize their authentic reasons to work so as to fully optimize on the powers within to excel the performance with their employers. We focus on customer-centricity and maintain that customer care remains a key success factor for businesses and their owners to grow excel and prosper.

We  have seen a need and so  been geared  to  supplement  the present formal  education  in order  for the current  systems to produce graduates  who are creative  and  able  to think  for themselves  and not  mere  reflectors  of other people’s thoughts. In line with this and in view of Thought Leadership, we undertake to counsel African Leaders on the best form of government that can lead to strong and prosperous African Nations.

We want to guide and show people the right path to living longer and without becoming sick because health and performance at work or any business are unquestionably connected. For example a practice of appropriate eating habits prevents not only sickness but also helps avoid medical expenses thereby enhancing output and efficiency.