Health(Afya) Talks

The Mind as a centre of your Health     
• Knowing your Blood type with respect to eating, exercising  Right and avoiding  Medical Risks due wrong Habits
a) Good Health for Efficiency and Best Performance at the work place
b) Good health for physical stamina at the work place
c)Good health for longevity, endurance and remaining energetic throughout your life
d)Living without becoming sick





Life and Growth Mindset   Skills

     The body and the Mind
•    how do they work together for effectiveness at work
•    How do they affect each other and cause inefficiency at work
•    The human Mind as the capital of the Body for character development
•    The properties of the human Mind
    The changing of a mind
    Steps and exercises involved in Mind Change;
•    How is one Mind Changed to another mind?
•    The Mind  and Human Heart in the Development of Habits  of Industry e.g Persistence, courage, Self confidence, self awareness etc
•    Winning the Mind battle for clearness of Thoughts and Focus to achieve one’s goals
•    Your Mind and how to utilize it consciously, intentionally and purposefully to consistently create desirable results.
•    A growth Mindset and Leadership

Self-awareness  • Self-worthiness (self-esteem, self-respect), self image and Self-belief.

Self confidence  • Living with a sense of purpose
Personal development • Team Building

Students Programs  •  Students’ Future after School Life
Housemaids Programs  •  Performance and Growth-driven skills for Housemaids
Youth Programs    • Performance- driven Self awareness  •  Youth and Pre-marriage Journey



Entrepreneurship, Selling and Customer Care  Skills    

•    Services Excellence
•    Business and Social Entrepreneurship   
•    Customer Centricity- Practices and Essentials
•    Customer Relationship Management
•    Social  and business counseling, Mentorship and  Coaching
•    Business consulting,
•    Capacity Building programs